600 --- BEGIN TRANSLATABLE STRINGS --- 601 The program '%s' caused the error: %s. 602 \n \nRegisters: \nEAX=%08x CS=%04x EIP=%08x EFLGS=%08x \nEBX=%08x SS=%04x ESP=%08x EBP=%08x \nECX=%08x DS=%04x ESI=%08x FS=%04x \nEDX=%08x ES=%04x EDI=%08x GS=%04x 603 \nBytes at CS:EIP: \n%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x 604 \nStack dump: \n%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x 605 Norton CrashGuard is protecting this program: '%s' If you close CrashGuard, the system will immediately terminate the program it is protecting! Do you really want to close BOTH programs? 606 Norton CrashGuard - Warning! 607 Norton Anti-Freeze 608 Norton CrashGuard 609 Working... 610 Save Crash Details 611 CrashGuard is currently unable to save the crash details. 612 Saved details in '%s' 613 (Unknown) 614 \n \n%s caused fault #%08x in %s at address %04x:%08x 615 '%s' does not appear to be frozen. Anti-Freeze can try to unfreeze this program, but you should only do this if the program isn't responding to the mouse or keyboard. Do you want Anti-Freeze to do this? 616 '%s' should be responding by now. Be sure to try clicking on all the menus and controls in the program, even if the mouse shows an hourglass. If the program remains stuck, it may have suffered irrepairable damage when it was frozen. 617 Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*| 618 \n \nTo date, %d fatal errors have been recorded in this program. This particular error was recorded %d times. 620 The file, '%s', already exists. Do you want to append the new details to the existing file? 621 CrashGuard wasn't permitted to debug the target process. The program may have closed, or may have security attributes which prevent debugging. 622 \nDate: %s %s 623 \nFull path of executable: %s 624 \nFull path of module: %s 625 '%s' is a hidden window. This program may be designed to operate this way or it may have happened accidentally. If the program is designed to run in the background, making it visible might cause it to malfunction. Do you want to make it visible? 626 Are you sure you want to forcefully terminate '%s'? 627 Kill Task 650 [Not responding] 700 Access violation 701 Out of bounds 702 Hard-coded break point 703 Data type misalignment 704 General floating-point error 705 Floating-point divide by zero 706 Illegal instruction 707 Paging error 708 Integer divide by zero 709 Integer overflow 710 Invalid disposition 711 Noncontinuable failure 712 Instruction not allowed 713 Single-step 714 Stack overflow 715 Unknown exception 720 This means the program tried to examine invalid data. Either there was no data at that location, or the data was off-limits to the program. 721 This means the program accidentally went was past the end of an array of data. 722 This means the program contains an instruction which is intended for testing purposes only. 723 This means the program tried to examine data which wasn't the type it was looking for. 724 This means an error occurred while performing floating-point arithmetic. 725 This means the program tried to divide by zero, an arithmetic problem for which there is no solution, so the computer can't proceed. 726 This means the program issued an instruction code that's not defined. 727 This means windows lost some of the data which the program was busy using. 728 This means the program tried to divide by zero, an arithmetic problem for which there is no solution, so the computer can't proceed. 729 This means the arithmetic the computer was doing resulted in numbers too large to be recorded in the computer's binary number system. 730 Apparently, the program tried to resolve another error itself, but didn't tell the system how to proceed. 731 Apparently, the program tried to continue after another error without fixing the problem which caused the error. 732 This means the program tried to perform an action which it isn't allowed to do. 733 This means the program signaled that one instruction had been carried out. 734 This means the program used up all of the stack-type memory allotted to the it. The stack refers to a program's short-term memory. 735 An unrecognized error occurred. This may be a 'private' error that the program was unable to handle internally. 799 --- END TRANSLATABLE STRINGS --- 800 === BEGIN NON-TRANSLATABLE STRINGS === 999 === END NON-TRANSLATABLE STRINGS ===